Produce your own energy
By producing energy through photovoltaic panels, installed on your building or land, you can contribute to the energy transition and also save on your electricity bill.
Consume your own energy
By adopting a solar energy solution you do not need to be dependent on the net for energy consumption. You will not only have autonomy on consumption, but also contribute to a greater economic and environmental sustainability of our planet.
Share your own energy
By engaging in an Energy Community you will be able to share the not consumed energy to the other members of the Community.
Our global contribution
137.6 MWp
Signed capacity
412.5 MWp
Capacity installed
+ 2.500
Information updated to September 2024
A variety of technologies to reduce your energy bills
We develop projects that allow you to reduce costs, whether through the production of Solar Energy, LED lighting installation, or even through Energy Communities. Our solutions are totally customized for each client and tailored to meet their needs.
Make an impact next to you
Reduce your energy bill
Reduction of carbon emissions
More sustainable companies
Electrical autonomy
Social impact
Economic impact
Return on investment
Transforming the world’s future through renewable energy
We are a brand close to people, with the goal of maximizing energy efficiency according to the reality of each client and each market.
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